Ensuring exceptional ideas are backed by exceptional foundations. 

Ensuring exceptional ideas are backed by exceptional foundations. 

We look beyond the normal horizon at tomorrow's solutions to today's problems and amplify your impact.

By providing patient capital, investing Family Office foundations contribute to sustainable development, innovation, and the advancement of solutions to complex global challenges.

We are also patient. We are not simply building an investment pipeline.

We are entrusted by the worlds leading research institutions and universities to democratize and scale their most impactful break-throughs. 

At the heart of impact investment is intentionality which is often emotive.

We don’t just look to match funding but ‘experience’ and ‘affinity’; because emotional and financial capital are not mutually exclusive. Family Office foundations tell us that whilst financial resources can provide opportunities and access to certain experiences, emotional capital enriches one’s overall quality of life and can influence how financial wealth is perceived and managed. This makes emotion a valuable vector, ensuring the investment benefits from more than money. 

Our data expands your Horizon.

The meaning of the word ‘future’ has changed forever. It used to mean decades or more. But as the rate of change has accelerated the future is now closer than you think.

Data now lets us see what’s shaping tomorrow’s society today; and its potential impact. There are mega-trends which pose existential threats which we expect will be addressed by societies’ innovators and human ingenuity. 

We focus on understanding tomorrow’s landscape and to look beyond the horizon. Working with Family Offices, foundations and philanthropists, our areas of focus and intentions are laid out below.


Unstoppable Trends Survey



Families are most proud of their impact and legacy. They look to align themselves with people and places with a reputation for excellence.


Horizon is at the Intersection of investment and action.


Smart patient capital leverages the investors’ own platform & expertise to multiply the value and impact of the investment.


3-10 Years.


Tech,  Media & Telecoms, Consumer Staples, Banking & Finance, Real-estate, Healthcare.


Independent, high-risk, high-reward, VC.

Unstoppable Trends:

Mega-Trends  |  Relatively slow to form, but once taken root exercise a profound and lasting influence on humanity.

Shifting Demographics 

Shifting Demographics 

By 2050: Global population = 10Bn (50% growth from Africa) |  The over 80 yrs = 10%   

  Lower % of society of working age supporting a larger population. International migration might cover workforce shortfalls.  

  Assistive technologies that enhance physical and cognitive capacities could allow older people to work longer, while growing automation could reduce the demand for labour.

Values and Behaviours

Values and Behaviours

Def. Values = abstract ideals, evoking emotional reactions.

Def. Behaviour = concrete decisions and actions by individuals and groups, rooted in underlying values and attitudes.

Macro shifts in political alignment, affluence, technology, and entitlements. Librated by globalisation, consumerism, equality, freedom and capitalism.

Climate change and resource scarcity

Climate change and resource scarcity

Net Zero by 2050 - EU by 2030.

Global Energy demand will need to plateau around 10,000 Mtoe p/a despite rising population. 2040 - water demand will exceed supply by c.56% impacting health, agriculture, manufacturing etc.

Depletion of non-renewable resources, renewable energy demands, water poverty and temperature rise will - disrupt industry and supply chain and drive recycling and dematerialisation, circular economics, and nuclear and hydrogen technologies.

Digital Future

Digital Future

79 zettabytes of data generated worldwide in 2021 - that’s 79 x 1Bn Tb. IOT accounts for 15% already. 90% of global data is replicated, 90% unstructured.

ML, Ai and BL compete to extract value for the Big Data players.

Digitization is increasing competition and market access, while impacted by socially driven micro-trends.

Data is increasingly seen as a balance sheet item, but as with all forms of value is vulnerable to bad actors. Fear drives decentralisation and cryptographic innovation.

Infrastructure of the future

Infrastructure of the future

c.$4Tn pa global investment by 2030. Chronic underspending in developed nations. Emerging market growth – funding gap underpinned by infrastructure as a catalyst for growth. Redefinition of infrastructure – increased bias towards movement of data and international movement of goods rather than internal markets. 5G, near earth orbit connectivity and IOT.

Sustainable Infrastructure – distribution and generation of energy, incl: hydrogen; EV charging; local power storage; data-centres ; and mobility-on-demand.



Families are most proud of their impact and legacy. They look to align themselves with people and places with a reputation for excellence.


Horizon is at the Intersection of investment and action.


Smart patient capital leverages the investors’ own platform & expertise to multiply the value and impact of the investment.


3-10 Years.


Tech,  Media & Telecoms, Consumer Staples , Banking & Finance, Real-estate, Healthcare.


Independent, high-risk, high-reward, VC.

Unstoppable Trends:

Mega-Trends  |  Relatively slow to form, but once taken root exercise a profound and lasting influence on humanity.

Shifting Demographics

By 2050: Global population = 10Bn (50% growth from Africa) |  The over 80 yrs = 10%   

  Lower % of society of working age supporting a larger population. International migration might cover workforce shortfalls.  

  Assistive technologies that enhance physical and cognitive capacities could allow older people to work longer, while growing automation could reduce the demand for labour.

Values and Behaviours

Def. Values = abstract ideals, evoking emotional reactions.

Def. Behaviour = concrete decisions and actions by individuals and groups, rooted in underlying values and attitudes.

Macro shifts in political alignment, affluence, technology, and entitlements. Librated by globalisation, consumerism, equality, freedom and capitalism.

Climate change and resource scarcity

Net Zero by 2050 – EU by 2030.

Global Energy demand will need to plateau around 10,000 Mtoe p/a despite rising population. 2040 – water demand will exceed supply by c.56% impacting health, agriculture, manufacturing etc

Depletion of non-renewable resources, renewable energy demands, water poverty and temperature rise will – disrupt industry and supply chain and drive recycling and dematerialisation, circular economics, and nuclear and hydrogen technologies.

Digital Future

79 zettabytes of data generated worldwide in 2021 – that’s 79 x 1Bn Tb. IOT accounts for 15% already. 90% of global data is replicated, 90% unstructured.

ML, Ai and BL compete to extract value for the Big Data players.

Digitization is increasing competition and market access, while impacted by socially driven micro-trends.

Data is increasingly seen as a balance sheet item, but as with all forms of value is vulnerable to bad actors. Fear drives decentralisation and cryptographic innovation.

Infrastructure of the future

c.$4Tn pa global investment by 2030. Chronic underspending in developed nations. Emerging market growth – funding gap underpinned by infrastructure as a catalyst for growth. Redefinition of infrastructure – increased bias towards movement of data and international movement of goods rather than internal markets. 5G, near earth orbit connectivity and IOT.

Sustainable Infrastructure – distribution and generation of energy, incl: hydrogen; EV charging; local power storage; data-centres ; and mobility-on-demand.

Working alongside impact investors we look to add value throughout the lifecycle by delivering constantly recalibrated future Social Return on Investment (SROI) scores. Impact value is our primary measure of success.




